It is with a heavy heart that we announce the retirement of Ken Ferebee. Not even Superman himself could organize so many mentees for court, mediate with such grace and deal with some of our most difficult clients. Yet, somehow, Ken has done this - and so much more at CMC.
In 2002 Ken was searching for an organization that could use his experience working with media sales and a victim-offender program. Luckily, he found us! Because of Ken's efforts the General District Court mediation program grew from its infancy with less than 50 GDC cases a year, and now we are mediating over 300 per year, and regularly offering on-site mediation services in 2 local courts. After two years of volunteering at court, Ken became an AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer and served for an additional 3 years. In this role he was able to receive a small stipend to continue his fabulous court work. In addition to working at local courts Ken is an excellent advocate for mediation, consistently working with clerks, judges and other court professionals encouraging the referral of mediation cases.
Ken has an excellent way with community members, helping them understand the benefits of mediation and getting them into the process. Not only does he communicate in mediation, he also is great at communicating with crowds! It has been said that Ken does the best “try mediation” speech, and that he is helped by his smooth Virginia Beach native style and calming tone. Plus, Ken is responsible for designing CMC’s famous logo – the dove/hand and heart. He put his graphic design talents to work again by creating posters for each of the local general district courts, encouraging readers to try mediation.
Ken will truly be missed, not only for his efforts training mediators and organizing cases, but also for his experience, encouragement, and caring spirit around the office.
Ken, don't be a stranger. We're really going to miss you around here. You've made a big difference and have developed so many new mediators... their volunteering continues your legacy.
Ken, I remember when you first came to the centre in fact I think I may have had a little to do with it!!... glad to say I was right, you have been a great asset to the centre and will leave much behind. Enjoy the years forward you deserve them
Hi, Ken this message is for you .I can't access the normal way. So let god to continuing for first in your life. It has been pleasure training-recertify with you. I am truly sorry to hear of you leaving.
Call me sometime to keep in touch. Lynn Jones.
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