From what I’ve noticed, mediators aren’t really a dime a dozen brand. Nor are their individual styles remotely similar to each other. Well, at least that could be the case from the majority of mediations I have been through. What I have seen, through observation and co-mediation, is that no two mediators are alike. Each mediator develops their style for what fits them best. Nevertheless, many teeter on the edge of lawyering, arbitrating and counseling.
A few weeks ago, I posed a question to one of my colleagues. Why is it that we cannot give legal advice and yet nothing is said about counseling our clients, save the fact that in the agreement to mediate, it states that mediation is not counseling? Furthermore, which style is more conducive to therapy? A directive approach or a facilitative one?
Observing one mediator, I was struck at how his more directive approach, in my opinion, imitated therapy more than the facilitative approach that I have adopted and which is used at the CMC. If we are to be directive, opinionated and suggestive in our mediation, doesn’t that lend itself to therapy? After all, a therapist gives their opinion for your behavior. As mediators, the line to walk between making the session therapeutic and facilitative is a fine one. But that line is even more fine when a directive approach is used.
In all, mediators must find the characteristics they wish to emulate to successfully operate a session. I have found that the best mediators have two things in common. They are succinct and they are distant. Succinct in their ability to rephrase and paraphrase language into clearly understood, often layman sentiment that construes the very interest of the client, yet can also save face.
They are distant, in that when they are in the mediation room, they are no more than an observer. And when they leave the mediation room, the clients and the case stay behind.
This is the role I have observed to be the most effective in mediation. Staying close without being involved. Being on top of the situation without being all over the situation. It is the client’s process and their time. It is their conversation.
Many people may feel that the facilitative approach is costly in terms of time and energy. But I have found just the opposite to be true. If done properly, facilitative mediation allows clients the essential story-telling that is needed to get beyond positions and to the root of the dispute. It is more efficient in that after this phase, however lengthy it may be concludes, the clients can move on to business.
I also find that it is less like therapy in practice while being more therapeutic in effect. By staying objective, distant, and succinct and by simply “listening and repeating” the mediation takes on a life of its own. The clients feel heard and validated. And the process moves on, without alteration or pretentious ad-lib.
-Jason Clevenger
I agree. And this is something I have struggled with. We may perceive one party as taking advantage of the other or putting themselves in positions they may regret later--such as spousal support payments, etc. If we are true to the process, we must maintain complete objectivity. We do not have a stake in this agreement and must therefore remain totally neutral. Our job is merely to reflect back the discussion to come to agreement. We are not analyzing or judging the outcome or the options, merely ensuring that a variety of options are considered so that common ground can be found. To lose sight of this is to contaminate the process. Always be mindful that all decisions are up the clients.
Interestingly, I was having a similar conversation with my dinner companions last night.
As mediators we try to maintain the illusion of being objective by being self-aware and declaring our biases. Yet, we are humans and lack the capacity to be entirely objective.
That "flaw' is what allows us to do what I consider the important work- empathizing with our clients. They don't ask us to be impartial, and I'm not entirely certain it's universally helpful to be so. Where is the learning in that?
In regards to therapy, I see mediation a complementary tool. A therapist can help a person understand their beliefs and motivations. Many people go to therapy for years, gaining all kinds of insights, yet are unable to bring those to A mediator can help that person that that knowledge and make it actionable so their life is improved.
And, isn't that why we chose this profession- to improve the quality of relationships and life?
Dina Lynch Eisenberg
Helping Mediators Build Profitable Businesses
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