Issues of Trust

Calculus-based conflicts generally involve the immediate situation at issue, that is, issues where the parties are focusing on the specifics of a contract breach, for example. In these cases the parties generally do not have a long-standing relationship. In knowledge-based conflicts the parties have a more detailed knowledge of the others’ habits and activities. They are friends or acquaintances that have known each other for a while. When parties in this type of relationship lose each others’ trust, they are losing trust in that person’s qualities and not just their performance. Finally, in identification-based conflicts the parties have deep seated feelings or an intimate relationship that has lasted a long time. A betrayal of trust of this sort is taken very personally by each party, as they end up losing trust in the entire person they are in conflict with, not just an aspect of them. A solution to this type of lack of trust will have to address the deeply felt emotions each party carries.
Learning to identify the type of relationship, and thus level of trust, each party shares may help you discern what path to follow in a mediation to reach a solution.
This is interesting, and I wonder how it would work in the real world... So what if the mediator can identify the type of relationship and the level of trust? I wonder if clients knew more about trust if they would be more likely to work towards a joint resolution. I don't think so...
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