Farewell to a Friend
It is with a heavy heart that Community Mediation Center of Southeastern Virginia (CMC) announces the sudden passing in January of good friend, mediator and mentor Ken Ferebee.
In 2002 Ken was searching for an organization that could use his experience working with media sales and a local victim-witness offender program. Thankfully, he found us! Because of Ken's efforts, the Hampton Roads General District Court mediation program grew from its infancy with less than 50 GDC cases a year to over 300 per year regularly offering on-site mediation services in almost all local courts. After two years of volunteering at court, Ken became an AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer with the CMC and served for an additional 3 years. In addition to working at local courts Ken was an excellent advocate for mediation, consistently working with clerks, judges and other court professionals encouraging the referral of mediation cases. Ken was personally responsible for mentoring many of the mediators in southeastern Virginia.
Ken had a remarkable way with community members, helping them understand the benefits of mediation and getting them comfortable with the process. Not only did he communicate well in mediation, he also was great at communicating with crowds! It has been said that Ken did the best "try mediation" speech, helped by his smooth Virginia Beach native style and calming tone.
Ken was honored by the CMC in 2004 with a Peacemaker award for his self-motivated spirit. Ken was a veteran, serving in the US Coast Guard during the Vietnam War. He also was a devoted father and grandfather.
Ken was remarkably talented and responsible for designing CMC's creative logo - the dove/hand and heart - as well creating many of the mediation brochures and flyers the CMC has used during the past 6 years. He put his graphic design talents to work again by creating posters for each of the local general district courts, encouraging readers to try mediation.
Ken will truly be missed, not only for his efforts training mediators and organizing cases, but also for his experience, encouragement, great sense of humor and caring spirit around the office. As fellow CMC staff member, Chuck Hardwick recalls, "we shared the same memories, the same political moments and enjoyed reading the same authors. We remembered the same television commercials and the summers before air-conditioning. Ken had a great sense of humor, laced with wit. His melodious radio voice will never be forgotten."
Please come join the CMC as we celebrate Ken's life and service to the mediation community on Thursday, March 20th. From 5:00pm to 6:00pm, share your personal stories about Ken. From 6:00pm to 7:30pm the CMC is hosting an Open House for the community as part of March is Mediation Month. Plan to stay and participate in CMC's version of March Madness.
If you have personal memories of Ken you wold like to share with CMC, please share it our blog. If you wold like to make a donation in Ken's memory, please do so online or mail to Attn: Finding Common Ground Endowment Fund, 586 Virginian Drive, Norfolk VA 23505.
Kim Humphrey
Executive Director
I am so shocked and saddened to hear of Ken's death. Ken was central to my experience at the Center, and I considered him a true friend, as well as GDC mentor. I know he had retired recently, but it is hard for me to imagine the Center without him.
This is such sad news. I had the privilege of working with Ken on several cases. He had a knack for mediation and will most certainly be missed by all.
Ken touched so many mediators at CMC. He was a super advocate for using mediation at court too - we will miss him greatly.
I was shocked and saddened to learn of Ken's passing. During my mediation certification training, I had the opportunity to co-mediate several cases with him. He truly had a knack for mediating. He will be missed. My love to his family and the CMC family. You have lost a truly good man.
Stella Mims
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