Mediation skills come in handy in so many situations. Recently my Nana died and family came from far and wide to be with her in her final days and more family and friends came for the funeral and more after that. You would assume this would be a time of family supporting family and everyone pitching in to help. Well as it turns out, stress and grief cause emotions and reactions to run high. There was a lot of gossiping and talking behind people’s backs. There was arguing about what was best for Nana. Everyone thought they were an expert and were going to make sure that what they thought should happen happened. As it turned out Nana’s four daughters needed a mediator! I found myself running back and forth between the four of them trying to clarify their positions and restate that position to the others. Everyone’s underlying interest was the same…what was best for Nana.
Well Nana died peacefully at the end of March and then the real drama began…who got what! People were sneaking around taking this and that, trying not to cause a conflict but wanting to hold on to a little piece of Nana. No one really got upset about what anyone else wanted to have except when one of my aunt’s asked where Nana’s wedding rings were. One sneaky family member had quietly taken them and only a few people knew but no one was talking. We will really need a mediator if the aunt finds out where they really are. I’m just glad nobody looked for Nana’s special ice cream scoop…because it’s in my kitchen drawer!
-Sara Foote
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