Youth Savor New Found Secret
They just seem to open up. Whenever a teenager gets involved in peer mediation, this is what occurs. Remarkably, the troubles that many of them face (or have faced) gain new light. Perspective graces their newly acquired intellect. They think, “if I knew how to do this back then”. They are learning something, that few do and they wholeheartedly accept the privilege.
What they learn is to resolve conflict, peacefully. Among each other and in themselves. This method, this technique, this secret, is for them only. Or at least, that is what they take from it. They understand its benefits and take pride in their new found knowledge. Suddenly, they are in a leadership role, with the opportunity to create real change in people’s lives. They relish it.
To them it is a mixture of coordinating linguistic balance, strategy, emotion and attitude. A modern day Rubix Cube. They take on the role of attorney, guidance counselor and friend. They wear many hats. Mediation, to them, is like a riddle or a puzzle. Solve it and you have a better way of dealing with things. You’ve changed someone. You’ve made a difference. Peer mediators tackle these difficult problems with the sort of youthful enthusiasm that only a high-schooler has.
Having observed dozens of students become certified in peer mediation, it is apparent their willingness to inspire a change in the system. They know, better than anyone else, the dull effects of in-school suspension, or the hostility that lurks in their school’s hallways. They know better than anyone that racism, sexism and more “isms” cause all sorts of misunderstandings within their school’s walls. They understand that gangs are in fact, very real and not just something in D.C. or Los Angeles.
They live with these difficulties everyday, they understand well why some students lash out and others do not. They know about the attitudes, the lifestyles and all the other behind-the-scene details that have brought their peers to a point where conflict is the final outcome. They come to our trainings thinking that they can change all this and it is inspiring.
More than anyone, they understand that there is a need for something more. They see it all and they live it everyday. Something to prevent, react and intervene. To them, this is the power of peer mediation. It is the solution they’ve been waiting for.
-Jason Clevenger
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