It was never my goal to be a mediator.
Before I came to the Center, I wasn't aware of mediation and how it worked. Many years ago, when I was going through my separation process, a friend who also was going through it, chose to mediate. And yes, I asked, "Mediation? What's that?" The idea was so new it made the local news when they tried it. They used mediation to resolve some of the more emotional issues, like who got the house and kids. Once they resolved those issues, they were able to work on a lot of details, hire one lawyer and file the paperwork.
My friend said it was a good alternative to the traditional lawyer fight and suggested we try it.
I asked my wife about using mediation for us. She thought about it for a couple of days and then replied, "I'm afraid the mediator will take your side. I'm getting a lawyer." And so we did it the expensive way.
There was so much we did not know about this process called mediation. She wanted an advocate, someone who would fight for her. So here I am, 20 years later, mediating couples who have separated, resolving issues of custody, visitation, support and dividing up the property and debts among people who once loved one another. I wonder if my ex- knows what I do here? I haven't told her because we've talked only once in 20 years. Life is full of little ironies.
Chuck Hardwick