There was a thunderstorm in Prague, Czech Republic, on Sunday. No, I didn’t get this information from the Weather Channel or online. I heard it through the telephone. My son is studying abroad this summer in the Czech Republic and we were talking on the phone when the storm came up. A loud crash of thunder rolled through the airwaves and then, I heard it. Big, fat raindrops plinking on the window and the roof – in Prague, more than 4,300 miles from Virginia Beach! It was as if I was standing right there. So cool! Technology is amazing.
But what is even more amazing to me was that I was able to talk to him, hear his voice. While technology has opened up so many forms of electronic communication –“texting”, email, facebook, chat groups – nothing, for me, takes the place of talking to a person directly. We can hear a smile in their voice, sadness, excitement, or fear. And when we can’t hear a voice, such as with written and/or e-communications – we humans tend to put a “voice” in our heads to the words we read and that “voice” might be leading us to a misunderstanding and conflict.
People-to-people, human-to-human communications are so important and rare in our “online” society. But people crave this kind of communication; this human contact.
So don’t always rely on electronic communications. Pick up the phone and talk to someone. You might hear a rainstorm half way round the world.
-Karen Richards
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