Why do you believe yourself to be suited for the teaching profession?
Recently, I had the privilege of going through the Old Dominion University Career Switcher program. Becoming a teacher was something I had contemplated but never thought I would do. Well, as they say never say never because you never know when never will come. I have been a substitute teacher on and off and working here at the Center for the last two years has helped me realize that I can do this as a career and hopefully be happy.
While filling out the application for Norfolk Public Schools the last question on the application read as follows: Why do you believe yourself to be suited for the teaching profession? My response below has been the same over the years and I am surprised that I have not detoured from my “philosophy or belief” when it comes to teaching. I believe that teaching takes passion and dedication.
Nevertheless, here is my response to the question above. I believe I am suited for the teaching profession because I enjoy helping to shape our future leaders. Gandhi stated that we must be the change that we want to see in the world. One of the ways that I can be a part of that change is through teaching and volunteering my time. I have volunteered my time in several diverse capacities over the years but the ones that stand out the most are the times I am training or facilitating youth programs. I have done several trainings on teaching youth how to deal with conflict or how to become a peer mediator in their schools. I enjoy working with young people because they keep me on top of my game and hold me to my personal belief of being the change I want to see in the world. I know I will not be able to have an impact on every student but I will make a difference in some of their lives and maybe even their parents as well. Therefore, I am suited for the teaching profession because I want to teach and want to make a difference in the future leaders of my children. I want to be the teacher that they will know I truly care about their future.
-Veronica Hill
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