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Measurements of Workplace Conflict Management Systems
Many workplaces are starting to develop conflict management systems for their employees as a way of developing productive business relationships. These systems can include mediation, training, and other methods that teach individuals how to solve problems without resorting to violence, name-calling, or disruptive behavior. The book Workplaces that Work provides a system – which is called the Donais Fairness Theory – to measure the effectiveness and fairness of a workplace system by using 4 quotients.
The first quotient is the justice quotient. The justice quotient measures how well the system implements its programs, and the equality with which they are used. This includes making sure that all participants are heard, informing everyone of their legal rights, is independent from manipulation, and whether it results in enforceable solutions.
The second quotient is the efficiency quotient. This measures how smoothly the system is run. In doing so, several factors are primarily taken into account: these include Interest, Alternatives, Self-Help, Cost, Flexibility, Education and Timeliness. A program with a good efficiency quotient will allow employees and managers to craft goof solutions, will be cost effective, and will have numerous alternative ways of solving conflict.
The third quotient is the engagement quotient. This measures the participation level in the program. Obviously, a system no one engages with is pointless as it does not help anyone. Measuring engagement includes looking at how well a conflict management system encourages participation from employees.
The fourth quotient is the resource quotient. This measures how well a program utilizes its resources to construct a better program. If a program is set up but receives no funding or support from the company, it is not utilizing its resources effectively. Measurements also include how good the programs’ facilities are and the qualifications of support staff.
The book Workplaces that Work discusses in detail these measurements and provides operational definitions for them so that they can be accurately assessed. You can also find out more by reading this article: How Fair Is Your Conflict Management System?.
Measurements of Workplace Conflict Management Systems

The first quotient is the justice quotient. The justice quotient measures how well the system implements its programs, and the equality with which they are used. This includes making sure that all participants are heard, informing everyone of their legal rights, is independent from manipulation, and whether it results in enforceable solutions.
The second quotient is the efficiency quotient. This measures how smoothly the system is run. In doing so, several factors are primarily taken into account: these include Interest, Alternatives, Self-Help, Cost, Flexibility, Education and Timeliness. A program with a good efficiency quotient will allow employees and managers to craft goof solutions, will be cost effective, and will have numerous alternative ways of solving conflict.
The third quotient is the engagement quotient. This measures the participation level in the program. Obviously, a system no one engages with is pointless as it does not help anyone. Measuring engagement includes looking at how well a conflict management system encourages participation from employees.
The fourth quotient is the resource quotient. This measures how well a program utilizes its resources to construct a better program. If a program is set up but receives no funding or support from the company, it is not utilizing its resources effectively. Measurements also include how good the programs’ facilities are and the qualifications of support staff.
The book Workplaces that Work discusses in detail these measurements and provides operational definitions for them so that they can be accurately assessed. You can also find out more by reading this article: How Fair Is Your Conflict Management System?.
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