Youth Programs

One of the more successful days we had was when we taught about constructive criticism, how to give it and get it. In suggesting how to give it, the reasons we mentioned included:
- Face the person and look him/her in the eyes
- Only give criticism about things a person can change
- Explain why you feel the person should change their behavior
- Explain again if you need to
In discussing how to receive constructive criticism, the reasons we mentioned included:
- Listen carefully to the person
- Ask for more information if you do not understand
- Tell your side and then listen to what the other person has to say
The tip to be found in all of this is: when putting together a program like this, make sure to be clear and engaging. The bullets above were put on a handout given to the kids and were explained in concise, straightforward language. While the kids are there to listen and learn, they will not be interested if your talk resembles a lecture at a biology conference. Additionally, the best presentations had activities and prizes for participation included in them. It's like all the people in the communication field say: remember your audience and tailor your presentation for them.
You know what... that works with adults too! In fact, some of the adult trainees I've worked with have acted like teens when in session!
Today, we like our information concise, clear and easy to remember. I also know it helps to communicate in 3's - three concepts are remembered more easily than other numbers. And, as for prizes, I always want to win.
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